
Digital charisma is...

A collaborative brainchild from The Science of Charisma and Flint Analytics, together we help companies boost their digital marketing across multiple divisions, in multiple cities from a single hub. We start with you, your brand, and all that Charismatic value your company has to offer, then we let the analytics loose to crack that code for you...


HUB & SPOKE - a website system

To help national brands beat Google's algorithm across multiple divisions, in multiple metros, so your target audience finds and falls for your brand first. Digital marketing is like a space race. There can be only one who grows fastest. We'd like it to be you.

Google's algorithm now favors locally based businesses. You may have built a series of fantastic local offices, storefronts, or branch locations, but when your website's from out of town, your rankings wind up in outer space... Or at least they did... Until now!


hub & spoke social

Because you need a simpler way to manage your social media across multiple teams, in multiple cities. 

There’s so much to do. Customers prefer interacting with your local branch or office, the one just down the street from them. But that makes you oversee multiple social media managers, using multiple accounts, in multiple cities, across multiple networks. Yikes!!

SmileHub insures you'll never again accidentally ignore a customer’s comment, or worse yet, a hot lead!!



We not only stay up on the latest trends to keep your results on top. We've negotiated special access to some of the industry's most secretly patented tools. Your company and your brand deserve the world's attention. Let's get you out there today. Right now our team is helping somebody else, drastically reduce their client acquisition costs by as much as 74% or more! Why not you next?

Call today to learn why our clients keep sending champagne.



INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL VENDOR: Using our suite of tools, analytics expertise, and brand centric strategy, we were able to Help a nationwide vendor in the tourism and travel industry improve their SEO, social media engagement, and digital ad-buying tactics. Because a large portion of their sales come from European travelers, our experience in combining brand messaging with optimized analytics was key. Our results generated a 60% drop in their cost per conversion, from $248 per conversion to less than $99 - and it's still dropping.

NATIONWIDE FRANCHISE: By leveraging our Hub & Spoke Website Platform to help each location in this franchise win more searches (both paid and organic) in their immediate region, we were able to reduce their average client acquisition rate from $71 to less than $19 while decreasing the costs of their nationwide content marketing campaign.

INTERNATIONAL RETAILER: Leveraging the tools mentioned above in a sales promotion designed to convert online web traffic into in-store foot traffic, we exceeded initial per store projections by 3,000 visitors, which was 10% higher than projected in any best case scenarios. The campaign also had an average conversion rate of 10.50%, which was well above average.

PROFESSIONAL SPORTS: With a successful college sports franchise, we leveraged our Hyper Targeting tools and our expertise to help the University increase season ticket renewals for this NCAA Division I team by 39.04%, generating a 2,609% return on their ad spend.

