In 2001, a little known assistant professor at Louisiana State University did some deep research on advertising.

It had always been assumed you must put the most beautiful people available into your advertisements. Sex appeal and innate beauty capture customers' attention and drives sales forward. The more attractive your model, the better off you'll be.

But Amanda B. Bower, Ph.D. suspected differently. She's led a few to demonstrate that highly attractive models actually cause us normal customers to feel inferior. Worse yet, we customers then associate these feelings of inferiority with the products themselves, and sales fall. Nobody likes to buy inferior products!

There is an exception. When selling a product designed to increase one's attractiveness, then customers tend to make sense of it. They draw the conclusion, if I want to be as attractive as this model, I just need to buy the right shampoo, the right shirt, the right sports car, or whatever else the product may be, and all will get better.

So if you've built a product that legitimately helps people become more attractive, you likely want to get the most gorgeous models available to help build your brand. But if your products are designed for any other purpose, normal or just moderately attractive people will offer your promotions a much greater return on investment.

I know you likely aren't the type to even be affected by advertising. But knowing how it works is key to your business and your life. Get out there. Let it ring! Because the improvements that you and you're products are able to help others achieve is the part of life that's most gorgeous of all.
